
History and Goals:


The public relations and international affairs activities of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences were approved by the ministry in the form of management and issued to the institution in the organizational chart of 2015. Based on the documents of programs and activities to internationalize education, which was presented to the ministry by the university in 2016, the management was established as an independent unit. Since 2017, the two management of international affairs and autonomous campus have been integrated and are working in the form of a single management unit. 

Specific goals based on upstream documents (20-year vision plan, comprehensive document of international scientific relations of Iran approved by the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, and medical education internationalization package:

With regard to the goals of the 20-year vision plan issued by the Supreme Leader, the university dedicates efforts to the internationalization of activities in order to achieve effective and constructive interactions with the world based on principles of dignity, wisdom, and expediency, increase service production and exports, organize activities and capacities of the university to increase the country’s share in global scientific productions, develop bilateral, regional and international cooperation, strengthen constructive relations with universities of non-hostile countries, use relations to increase national power, increase the attraction of foreign investment and resources, and achieve economic diversity by relying on knowledge and scientific resources, human capital, and novel technologies. 

Other specific goals of the university include the realization of active scientific diplomacy to acquire superior and emerging knowledge and technologies and the country's priority needs, promotion, dissemination and transfer of scientific and technological achievements of the country in the framework of national interests and macro-policies of the system, strengthening and developing transnational protected networks between scientists, students and researchers of universities and research centers and knowledge-based companies inside and outside the country, development of a mechanism for attracting and using the capacity of scientists, researchers, technologists and foreign students, especially non-resident Iranians, and organization and support of accepting non-Iranian students and achieving scholarships and sabbatical leaves abroad based on priorities determined in the upstream documents of the system. Development of international scientific cooperation such as educational and university courses, research projects and centers, knowledge-based companies, scientific journals and joint investment with foreign countries, as well as the international development of medical science education at the university should be based on the internationalization program. 


  • Practical use of successful experiences of other universities and scientific and medical centers in the internationalization field
  • Increasing the conclusion of research-educational agreements with other domestic and international institutions 
  • Presenting short-term educational courses to students of other non-Iranian institutions (e.g., fellowship, summer school and observership).
  • Inviting teams of officials of other non-Iranian institutions and sending teams to other countries, especially target countries, in the medical science plan to introduce the university and increase its international relations 
  • Preparing the university’s internationalization document and operate based on the document 
  • Improving and updating the university’s websites and the website of Education Iran based on webometric standards
  • Exchanging professors and students with other valid international institutions of the world with the goal of transferring experiences 
  • Preparing cultural items for introducing the university (including introduction video clips, brochures and factbooks) and installation of banners and stands and trilingual entrance boards (Persian, English and Kurdish) in different units of the university
  • Inaugurating education centers by the university in target countries of the medical science plan
  • Preparing statutes and protocols (focus PDCA diagram) and procedures in the process (student recruitment) in managing international affairs
  • Presenting incentive packages to faculty members (paying for the IELTS course and exam for professors and students who have received a score of five or higher)
  • Considering a point in annual promotions of faculty members who are active in concluding international contracts and agreements 
  • Attracting faculty members who are proficient in English 
  • Attracting employees fluent in English in international management and education of faculties 
  • Establishing a peer-mentoring project in a way that international students would have access to similar Iranian students in the same field to receive guidance and get acquainted with the university and solve possible problems. 
  • Ongoing consultation and correspondence with the relevant ministry and governance to solve external threats and problems in the field of student recruitment such as the lack of inclusion of the university’s name in the list of approved universities from the perspective of Iraq.